“Mykola, you explain hard things easily, quickly, clearly, creatively, stylishly, and understandably for every person with a different level of development. You simply, sincerely, and from the heart give life-changing knowledge.

My employees came to your training, and for me personally, as a leader, it played a big role so that they would hear from you about responsibility and their inner Genius. I always tell them that they are talented!

But when they heard and understood this at your training, that enabled the faster personal and business growth of everyone, and of course, it speeded up the work process, because it led to the unanimity of the manager and employee and the fact that we each do our work responsibly in the place where we give ourselves completely.

I thank you for this!”

— Maya Nurtaeva, owner of 3 companies LLP SM Global.Kz, Almaty, Kazakhstan

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