On Thursday, 23 February 2023, in Glasgow, Scotland, the master class “The Mindset of Success™” took place.
This time the event drew attendees from Scotland, Italy, Ukraine, and Nigeria who were eager to learn about the growth-oriented mindset.
In this 2.5-hour master class, I shared how greater resilience, optimism, and satisfaction can be achieved using the latest psychological and coaching techniques.
Participants learned simple techniques to overcome limiting beliefs and eliminate negative self-talk, develop resilience and mental toughness, improve self-esteem, and raise their chances of success.

1 Comment

  • Санёк
    Posted 12.03.2023 10:31 0Likes

    Do the paticipants have to wear outdoor jackets in auditorium all 2.5 hours long? Is this some kind of trick or a part of training’s methodology?

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