Success on Autopilot™
How to develop your Genius Habits™ that will automatically lead you to Great Success in Life and Business

This January in London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham, and other cities throughout the UK!
best-selling author, international speaker, creator of the Genialism™ teaching, the School of Inquiring™, and the MetaGame™.
Reserve your seat in the master class now!
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TIME: 18:00 – 20:30.

• London, Sunday 15 January
• Edinburgh, Wednesday 18 January
• Glasgow, Thursday 19 January
• Manchester, Friday 20 January
• Birmingham, Thursday 26 January
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Your information is 100% confidential and never shared.
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"People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures."
— Frederick Matthias Alexander

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At the SUCCESS ON AUTOPILOT™ master class, you will:
Learn what one powerful action rich and successful people do everyday that the rest of us don't, and get the detailed instructions on how to develop this unique skill;
Understand the very nature of habits and form the Genius Habits™;
Understand why most people will never succeed in life and business because of the lack of awareness of how the mind works;
Learn the secret of how to ignite the faith in yourself and what simple daily actions will inevitably lead you to happiness, fulfillment, and wealth in no time;
Discover the 21-day myth and understand why it is almost impossible to form a new habit in three weeks;
Understand the Process of new habit formation™ and learn what exactly has to be done to change any self-destructive behaviour once and for all;
Understand why most people give up to soon and determine how long you need to stick to the new type of actions so that changes in life and business become irreversible;
Learn how to build a solid foundation for your Genius Habits™ and ultimately succeed in life and business;
Get to know the Seven factors of genius success that make achieving success on autopilot;
Get acquainted with a unique online system that capable of building up to 15 high-performing Genius Habits™ in just 90 days.
“If you don’t change what you are doing today, all of your tomorrows will look like yesterday.”
— Jim Rohn

This master class is for you if:
You are tired of the despair and ready to say goodbye to the old life to start the new, bright and fulfilling life;
You are ready to figure out once and for all why it is so hard to get rid of bad habits, and why most attempts to build new ones almost always end in a rollback;
You know that you deserve to live the life of your dreams but you are stuck in the trap of failures and defeats of the past;
You feel an enormous potential within you but do not know how to unlock it to the fullest, especially under current circumstances;
You do not want to settle for less and wish to create the masterpiece of your life no matter what;
You are looking for a world-class mentor and a highly supportive environment to encourage you to strive for big, hairy, and audacious goals;
You are ready to take that necessary actions, which are guaranteed to bring you to the top 1% of the most successful people in the next couple of years.
 These master class is capable of changing your life forever!  Come to the event, take your children with you (for free!), and invite your colleagues and friends.
Mykola Latansky, genialist
Creator of The Genialism™ teaching, the Genius Inside You™ project, the School of Inquiring™, and MetaGame™.

President and founder of the Academy of True Success, the training company headquartered in Reno, Nevada, USA and Edinburgh, UK, that, since 2007, has helped tens of thousands of people in over 70 countries to unleash their inner genius and achieve ultimate success in life and business.

Originally from Kyiv, Ukraine (currently living in Edinburgh, UK), Mykola became the first Russian-speaking motivational speaker and #1 Success Coach for the former USSR countries.

Mykola is a bestselling author, international speaker, trainer, and coach. At different times he was a member of the Global Speakers Federation, USA National Speakers Association, German Speakers Association, the US Million Dollar Speakers Group, and Maverick 1000—a club of millionaire entrepreneurs.

Mykola is the author of the bestsellers 50 Secrets of Genius Success and The Breakthrough Formula. He is a globe-trotter who visited over 80 countries on five continents and spoke live in 33 countries.

Mykola's clients—from university students to multi-millionaire entrepreneurs—choose to work with him because of his global thinking and the citizen of the world's mindset that delivers solutions to the most difficult problems and challenges.

Mykola holds a master’s degree with honors from the National Technical University of Ukraine. He has invested more than $800,000 in his education and studied mechanical engineering and artificial intelligence, psychology and coaching, marketing and business administration, languages, and religions in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Israel, and other countries.

Mykola is an angel investor in Silicon Valley and has helped dozens of people to become dollar millionaires and thousands of people to become financially free.

Mykola got rid of 30+ kilograms of excess weight, became an athlete-swimmer at 44, and swam 4 miles (6.5 km) across the Bosphorus Strait ten months later.

Mykola’s students in more than 70 countries worldwide unanimously say: “Next to Mykola, faith in oneself returns; one wants to live, create, and succeed greatly!”

Mykola believes: Everyone is born a genius, and our task in life is to reveal our genius and serve the world with it!”

You can find more about Mykola on his website:
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